A change in the landscape of Spain:
New mass media after the crisis of 2008.

  • The informative treatment of the 2008 global crisis that has particularly affected Spain, together with the new social networks and the new cybernetic media serving an increasingly proactive social community, has led to endless new newspapers, radios, blogs, televisions and other media of communication. However, at the same time the consequences of that global crisis have has dramatic effects in the Spanish mass media business. According the Informe Anual de la Profesión Periodísticas 2015 during the period 2008-2015, 375 media business have closed in Spain among newspapers, magazines, television, radio networks and press agencies.
    Because libraries, archives and research centers in the United States may not be aware of that dramatic new sift and transformation that is currently happening in the Spanish mass media, we are organizing in this section a comprehensive list of new and traditional media present today (2018) in Spain. Our goal is to help institutional selectors to identify the changes that is presently happening in Spain.


  • Colexio Profesional de Xornalistas de Galicia
  • M. Barreiro, Manuel; Pérez Pena, Marcos. A crise nos Medios en Galego (2013) Colexio Profesional de Xornalistas de Galicia.- ISBN 978-84-695-7905-3
  • López García, Xosé, La prensa diaria en Galicia : (1976-2000). Santiago de Compostela : Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2001. 148 pages.
  • Santos Gayoso, Enrique. Historia de la prensa gallega, 1800-1986. Sada, A Coruña : Ediciós do Castro. 1990-1995. 2 volumes. v. 1: 1800-1986, 872 pages -- v. 2: 1800-1993, 423 pages.

  • Galicia:
    Digital news & newspapers born around and after the crisis.

    Digital news & newspapers born around the turn of the century

    • Galicia Diario | https://galiciadiario.com/ ---
      July 21, 2006 - to date; only version digital;
      Archive digital: Hemeroteca |
      Type: Digital news in Spanish | Headquarters: A Coruña | Coverture: Galicia
      more info -- Wiki in Galician
      Note: Third oldest Galician digital newspaper of those published on the web today
    • 2003
    • Galicia confidencial | http://galiciaconfidencial.gal/
      2003 - to date ; only version digital; |
      Type: Daily newspaper in Galician | Headquarters: O Milladoiro, Ames |
      Archive digital: Busqueda |
      Coverture: Galicia |
      Point of view: Nationalism |
      more info -- Wiki in Galician
      more info -- Wiki in Catalan
      Note: It is currently one of the reference newspapers in Galician language (2022).
    • GC Diario | https://gcdiario.com/
      2003 - to date ; only version digital; |
      Type: Daily newspaper in Spanish | Headquarters: O Milladoiro, Ames |
      Archive digital: Busqueda |
      Coverture: Galicia |
      Point of view: Nationalism |
      Note: Versión en castellano de GC – Galicia Confidencial
    • NoticiasGalicia.com | http://www.noticiasgalicia.com
      2003 - to date ; only version digital; |
      Type: Daily newspaper in Spanish | Headquarters: Pontevedra |
      Archive digital: Busqueda |
      Coverture: Galicia |
      Coverture: Galicia |
      Point of view: Nationalism |
      Note: Versión en castellano de GC – Galicia Confidencial
    • 2000
    • La Opinión A Coruña | https://www.laopinioncoruna.es/ ISSN: 1576-8694
      October 4, 2000 - to date ; print and digital editions |
      Type: Daily newspaper in Spanish | Headquarters: A Coruña | Coverture: Galicia |
      Point of view: Left-wing |
      more info -- Wiki in Spanish
      more info -- Wiki in Galician
      Note: Published by Prensa Ibérica.
    • 1996
    • Vieiros | https://www.vieiros.com/ ---
      February 26, 1996 - July 24, 2010; only version digital;
      Archive digital: Hemeroteca
      Type: Digital news in Galician language | Headquarters: A Coruña | Coverture: Galicia
      more info -- Wiki in Galician
      Note: Oldest Galician digital newspaper
      Note: "Inaugurado o 24 de febreiro de 1996, Vieiros, o barrio galego en Internet, comezou a súa andaina como buscador de información e de recursos de interese, tentando cumprir unha dobre función: erixirse na porta de entrada da rede a Galicia e ser un espazo dinámico e aberto á participación, involucrando aos internautas na súa elaboración (Rodríguez e Romero, 2004: 220). Dez meses despois, Vieiros deu un xiro na súa actividade e evolucionou cara o que hoxe entendemos como un medio dixital, ofrecendo novos servizos, xerando os seus propios contidos informativos e actualizándoos diariamente. A páxina non deixou de crecer e de reinventarse en ningún momento e, xa en 2001, contaba con máis de trinta correspondentes en distintas vilas galegas e do exterior. Coa chegada do novo milenio, os esforzos do equipo de Vieiros dirixíronse cara a mellora dos servizos prestados aos seus usuarios, a presentación dun novo Buscador (o máis completo de Galicia, con máis de dez milleiros de rexistros) e a creación da primeira axenda electrónica galega , pero o despegue definitivo do medio non se produciría ata finais de 2002 cando, grazas á cobertura do desastre ecolóxico do Prestige, conseguiron triplicar o seu número de lectores diarios". page 158
    • 1987
    • Atlántico Diario | http://www.atlantico.net/ ISSN: 1576-8694
      June 14, 1987 - to date ; versión digital 2005 - to date. |
      Type: Daily newspaper in Spanish | Headquarters: Vigo | Coverture: Galicia , Regional |
      Point of view: Centre-wing |
      more info -- Wiki in Spanish
      more info -- Wiki in Galician
      Note: Published by Rías Baixas Comunicación.

    Galicia: Well known Newspapers

    Galicia: News magazine

    • Sermos Galiza ISSN: 2444-9326
      Num. 0, May 17, 2012 - January 2, 2020 -- to date; version digital, weekly + print version, weekly;
      Type: weekly | Headquarters: Santiago | Language: Galician | Portuguese
      Point of view: Nationalism, Galician perspectives. |
      Note: After January 2, 2020, Sermos is published on Saturdays as a supplement to the daily Nós Diario.
      more info -- Wiki in Spanish|
      more info -- Wiki in Galician|