Basque Country: e-Hemerotecas

  • EMD. Memoria Digital Vasca = Euskal Memoria Digitala. Revistas Sancho el Sabio
    EMD is an open access repository of digital funds on Basque culture that the Sancho el Sabio Fundazioa produces, acquires or maintains at its headquarters in Vitoria-Gasteiz. It gives access to magazines and newspapers published between the last third of the 19th century and the 20th century. An important magazine for the recent history of the Basque Country included is: Punto y hora de Euskal Herria.
  • Liburuklik. Biblioteca Digital Vasca: Hemeroteca
    This project is born from the need to preserve the Basque bibliographic heritage, avoiding its deterioration and at the same time it facilitates that any researcher or person interested in the Basque language and culture have easy access to the documents. In this way, Liburuklik will gather everything edited before 1940.
  • DonostiaTEKA - periódicos y DonostiaTEKA - Revistas
    This Digital Hemeroteca project was started in 2003 as a collection of San Sebastian's historical press, from the 19th-20th centuries. The digitized collection is of great interest, some of its copies are unique. Among the most relevant titles include: The Whip, Week, The Galerna, The Thun Thun, Heraldo de Guipúzcoa, The Basque Region, Basque Journal 1916-19, The land, The Eco of Pamplona, Aurrera and Justice. At present, the digital newspaper library has more than 40 publications whose extreme dates are 1830 to 1937.
  • DokuMeta: Hemeroteka digitala de la Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea (Diputación Foral de Guipuzkoa) | Tambien se puede acceder en esta interface
    Esta web ofrece la posibilidad de consultar los ejemplares digitalizados de 105 periódicos y revistas de la Biblioteca de Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea.
  • Archivo municipal de Irún. Hemeroteca
    This Digital Hemeroteca cover from 1880 to the current year, highlighting local titles such as "El Alarde", "El Bidasoa", "El buen Combate", "Irun Republican", "Without border", "Echoes of the Jaizkibel"
  • Diputación foral de Bizkaia . Hemeroteca Digital
    The archives contain periodicals, current and historical press, magazines and an important selection of scientific and cultural articles on different subjects from the 18th, 19th and 20th century from the Newspaper Archives of the Provincial Library. Special mention should be made of the Basque historical press collection, including papers such as Egin (1977-1998); El Liberal (Madrid. 1879. Ed. de Bilbao) (1910-1937); El Noticiero Bilbaino (1877-1937), Euzkadi (1917-1937), El Nervión (1891-1937), La Gaceta del Norte (1901-1987), etc
  • Euskal Prentsaren Lanak
    Hemeroteca that provides access to literary magazines published between the 19th century and the 1936 civil war: Eskualdun Ona, Argia, Euzkadi and El Día
    Vocabulary: Argitalpenak means publications; kazetriak means journalists; bilatzailea means search engine;
  • Euskomedia. Cultura Vasca on-line: la Cultura Vasca en la prensa 1900-1975
    News releases about the Basque culture published in newspapers around the Basque Country between 1900 and 1975 (only mentions). In addition, it also contains a news report Eusko Ikaskuntza collected until 1936. In this case, besides the mention, the report itself is already in digital format.